Welcome to the MomentX Metaverse. Our goal is to let you create and exist in the world you want.

3 min readOct 4, 2021

Hello and welcome to MomentX. In this blog we aren’t going to try and take up too much of your time. However, we also feel obliged to inform you all the standard disclaimer: Our game is a work in progress and everything that you see now will change anywhere from a few weeks to a few months and even a few years from today. With that out of the way, we would like to set the tone for the future in just a few sentences: We are creating MomentX to allow you to have a space to build what you want how you want it while also being able venture out into other people’s spaces. The ability for the player to express his or herself as an individual as freely as possible while forming communities with other users with similar interests is our first priority for the next six months. One year from today we hope to be able to enable users to create their own games inside of the MomentX metaverse as well as their own economic system. And finally, all of this is going to be possible thanks to the platform that Oculus quest and other virtual reality systems can provide to players.

Our end goal is to create a world where you and other players can do what you want when you want to and how you want to do it. In short, the possibilities are endless and the only limitations are the ones that present virtual reality peripherals have to offer. Our commitment is to the player experience. We will allow players as much freedom as possible while simultaneously allowing users to choose what degree of censorship they would like to see on the platform. As an example, if a particular Instagram model has a group of fans, they can come together and enjoy that model’s art. However, someone who is livestreaming may not want to show this kind of content for fear of being banned from a livestreaming platform or upsetting his or her own viewers. It is examples like these that allow us to think, “How can we empower people of all walks of life in MomentX?”

Our strength comes from creating tools that will empower our users in multiple aspects in the years to come. From day one of the Early Access test to what you see coming from us at the end of 2022, you will see a massive difference in gameplay, player experience, and empowerment of our users. We want to say that those who stay with us the longest throughout our development are the ones who stand to have the most rewarding experience from the MomentX metaverse. It would be to your advantage to actively pay attention to our discord announcements as well as our medium blog for any contests that you can join and developments in the platform that would benefit you and us to test.

In closing, we would like to both welcome you and implore you to create content surrounding the MomentX Metaverse while keeping an open mind.


-The MomentX Team.




MomentX is a 360 story telling platform for creators to easily edit, upload videos. User can enjoy lots of XR social activities happen here.